Advieh Khoresh: Persian spice blend
The Advieh to spice up your meats and stews

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Advieh Khoresh: Persian spice blend
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4 tablespoons Cumin
1/2 tbsp Clove
4 tablespoons Cinnamon
2 tablespoons Turmeric
2 tablespoons Cardamon
2 tablespoons Powdered dried rose petals
1 tablespoon Ground Black Pepper
  • 0min
  • Easy



Votes: 2

Advieh Khoresh is a very common spice blend in Iran and the Persian Empire.

The Advieh exists in several more or less powerful versions:

  • Advieh Polo or Advieh Berenj: intended for the preparation of rice (Advieh Berenj) or the preparation of rice pilaf (Advieh Polo)
  • Advieh Torshi: this mixture is intended for the preparation of torshi (pickles) such as sir torshi
  • Advieh Ash: this mixture of spices is intended for the preparation of soups (ash) such as Ash-e-reshteh or Ash-e-Jow
  • Advieh Khoresh: this is the recipe that I offer you here! It is intended for the preparation of stews and other grilled meats.

Advieh Khoresht is very intense and consists mainly of cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, cardamom and dried rose petals. The recipe below is Advieh khoresh, often used for stews and grilled meats.

You only have to respect the proportions to make a perfect Advieh Khoresht for cooking!



Preparing the Advieh

The Advieh recipe is simple! Simply mix all the mentioned spices together in an airtight jar.


Conservation of your homemade Advieh

Keep your Advieh Khoresh in an airtight jar away from sunlight and at room temperature. You can keep your Advieh for up to 3 to 4 months.


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